
Ersoylu Consulting: Celebrating 10 Years

The Nonprofit Collaborative is pleased to recognize our member Ersoylu Consulting on its 10th anniversary of serving the Southern California community. The company’s team is also growing. Joining Leah Ersoylu, Dr. Zahra Ahmed, and Ciara Paige are Elizabeth McGee and Emily Wei Klekman. They have joined our group as Senior Associate and Research Associate, respectively. They bring unique skill sets and experiences to the team’s portfolio, and both have a passion for community work. While the team is diversifying, it continues to focus on an expertise in planning, evaluation and assessment of policy advocacy and systems change work.

Finally, Ersoylu Consulting began its social impact workshop series on Thursday, June 15, 2017, at the Delhi Center in Santa Ana. The first session,”Data-Driven Do-Gooding,” focused on innovations in impact evaluation.